
Submission Schedule

Here is the image submission schedule for Szn Magazines:

Senior Szn Magazine: March, June, September, December
Dance Szn Magazine: February, May, August, November
Junior Szn Magazine: Special Editions- Jan “Best Of”, Apr-Sports, July-Patriotic, Oct-Holidays

Submission Instructions

We have tried to make this process as easy a possible, but please read ALL of the instructions BEFORE submitting images.

Images for Senior Szn Magazine can be of high school juniors, seniors, and the most recent graduate year. Images for Junior Szn Magazine can be of newborns through high school juniors. Images for Dance Szn Magazine can be of any age dance and is the only magazine where the person in the image can submit images with the permission of the photographer. Make sure you have a release on file that allows you to submit images to publications. See the terms and conditions and the submission form for more information.

Images should be sized to 8.5×11 at 300 ppi, can be vertical or horizontal, and should be saves as .jpg files on the high setting with no watermark or logo. Images with a watermark/logo or other file types besides jpg will not be accepted. Only portrait (vertical) images can be considered for the cover of the magazines.

Please do not submit images that were created at workshops, through a mentorship, of professional models, or if they have been published in other print magazines.

Save your file in the following format:
where the number is there to signify which image if submitting multiple images of the same person.

Each published image will list the photography business name, the person in the image (if permission is given to list their name on the submission form), and HMUA (hair and makeup artist). Cover images will have the information listed inside the magazine.

You may submit up to 20 images to be considered for the magazine. We recommend you only submit 5 images of each person. Helpful tip- the chances of being in the magazine will increase if you submit a variety of people at a variety of locations. If you have questions, please ask before submitting your images. Image submissions are bound by the terms and conditions listed on the submission form. 

Make sure your images are renamed with the following format before submitting:

Szn Magazine’s Holiday Special Image Submissions (Deadline 10/27/24, 11:59pm CST)